<@U1BEEMRU2> do you plan on supporting Microsoft T...
# kolide
@terracatta do you plan on supporting Microsoft Teams in the future? most of my clients are in the m365 ecosystem and this is a hurdle to adoption at the moment
Hi Hilt. Teams support is something we want to do but it is not on our short-term roadmap. I'll have more information after the mid-point of this year.
thanks @terracatta - it just means the (intended) benefit of k2 is lost on the large user base of m365 clients - what about an email workaround for the time being?
Also is there a server-only mode? I use k2 because I don’t want to run my own osq and its weird having all these systems “belong” to me.
We are on the same page in terms of the roadmap. We are working on ways make Kolide accessible for orgs that do not use Slack. As for assigning servers. You have the option of not assigning them to anyone. We also have the ability to assign devices to groups but those groups have to be associated with a Slack channel at this time.