but I’d like to edit that #channel_name and I’d li...
# kolide
but I’d like to edit that #channel_name and I’d like to do it globally for all checks
If you click 'Notify a slack channel', you'll be prompted to set up a notification channel for all checks. Alternatively, you can type
@Kolide connect
to set the escalation channel in your slack instance
Yay! that works!
I’m not sure it’s well covered in the org onboarding docs. I had invited Kolide to my channel, but perhaps not ‘connected’?
Re ‘that works’, I used
@Kolide connect
Great glad you worked it out! Yea, it's not very well exposed in the web app. Normally the kolide slack bot will mention this upon installation, but after that we could definitely do a better job of surfacing this configuration option. I'll file an issue internally, thanks for the feedback!
👍 1
@blaedj so I had some “escalated” items in my dashboard, now I’ve configured the connection to the slack channel… left the items un-resolved for 24hs… and yet, I’m not seeing any messages come through
hmmm how do I validate the plumbing here?
We want to be in a position where it is clear, unambiguous that Kolide’s escalation path works.
Hey Martin, sorry about the delay in responding, I was off skiing for the last few days.
So the intention with the auto-escalation is that once the check failures reach the escalation threshold, we only notify the 'admin channel' (the channel that receives escalation notifications) once. If you don't have an admin channel at the time the failure is escalated, you won't get a notification. Now that you do have the channel set up, you can manually escalate a failure on your (or another) device, by clicking the 'Contact admin for help' button (see screenshot):