Greetings! :wave: With the Github integration, wha...
# kolide
Greetings! 👋 With the Github integration, what are the criterias to see MFA enabled? Do we need all 3 methods or just at least one? I am sure I have MFA through my authenticator app but I am listed like I do not have it enabled 🤔
Hi Max, I believe we pull this value straight from the API, let me see what Github itself says...
it's very possible that in your case the API is returning NULL and we coercing that into "false" when in reality, we just aren't aware of the status because Github isn't telling us
I am going to look into that and update the UI to make that clear if that is the case
Thank you for reaching out
OK thank you!
Hi Max I looked into this and it appears the system is already working the way it should. If we are saying MFA is disabled it's because Github is explicitly telling us that
here are what my settings look like FYI
I think the key is to make sure "Enabled" appears where the red arrow is shown
curious if yours looks like that when you go to
Hmm, here are the two pages side by side: