<@U01D6LP84V7> I would recommend reading one of th...
# kolide
@Tej Gandhi I would recommend reading one of the community articles written on setting up Kolide Fleet (which can output logs to AWS). • https://medium.com/poka-techblog/kolide-fleet-on-aws-fargate-a-quick-start-guide-b77000025206https://blog.kolide.com/managing-osquery-with-kolide-launcher-and-fleet-b33b4536acb4https://kifarunix.com/install-and-setup-kolide-fleet-on-ubuntu-18-04/ If you need a turn-key solution you can also look at our SaaS offering which supports the configuration of packs and export of logs to various destinations. https://k2.kolide.com/signup
@fritz thanks;I was looking at these articles ;so if I setup Ubuntu 18.04 on cloud and want local devices in the network to remotely interact would there be any particular requirements that require to be performed?
@Tej Gandhi I wish I could give you more info on the Fleet side of things but it is not my specialization. With regards to the K2 side, you can find all of the logging configuration at: https://k2.kolide.com/x/log_pipeline/overview
Thanks @fritz where you can recommend I can get that information from?
@Tej Gandhi Unfortunately I don't, for Fleet your best bet is to ask targeted questions in #kolide (and get the help of community members) or Google extensively. The knowledge-base is pretty sprawling for Fleet because the software is flexible/unopinionated and most teams that deploy it have their own unique ecosystem/configuration.