Hello Kolide. I'm wondering if there is a way to ...
# kolide
Hello Kolide. I'm wondering if there is a way to forcefully remove clients from Fleet or if they go away automatically at some interval (post MIA)?
You can configure
in the "advanced options" in the UI or via fleetctl.
k, thanks. lemme check that out.
ah, yes I see that, thanks. If we wanted to be more granular, can we remove things from the DB or something - basically emulate whatever this setting does but targeted at hosts?
i just might not want to kill all hosts that haven't checked in for X days, just some, based on specific criteria. although, I supposed if we let some hosts expire that we actually want in there, once they come back up they would just re-register.
Yeah, you have that right. They would re-register as long as they have a still-valid enroll secret.
You can delete hosts from the DB however you like though.
not that we want to go in there and do that...but is it as easy as finding the hosts table and removing entries? is the schema documented somewhere?
Yeah it should be. The schema is only really documented insofar as it is the sum of the db migrations. You can always use
show create table hosts
to see it though.
thanks much