Hello, I am having an issue with a Docker Traefik ...
# kolide
Hello, I am having an issue with a Docker Traefik > Fleet grpc issue. I am sure it probably a configuration error, but when trying to register an agent using Kolide launcher, I get an error in the launcher logs that the wrong content-type was received from the server (HTML). Traefik is configured to use HTTP2 and the standard HTTPS traffic is passing correctly. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Sounds like Traefik is misconfigured for gRPC. I'm not familiar enough with Traefik to give you much more than that at the moment.
that's what i figured. But no luck figuring it out. Thanks!
yeah i've been looking at that
@zwass is this still indicative of a traefik error? It looks like a kolide/osquery error
Copy code
Oct  1 13:21:58 ip-172-31-94-141 launcher[15895]: {"caller":"extension.go:136","err":"enrolling host: transport error in enrollment: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Internal Server Error: HTTP status code 500; transport: received the unexpected content-type \"text/plain; charset=utf-8\"","msg":"extension interrupted","severity":"info","ts":"2020-10-01T18:21:58.464809092Z"}