Hi everyone! I have a question about a recent setu...
# kolide
Hi everyone! I have a question about a recent setup that i just put to work. I'm managing 2 Windows hosts through another machine where i'm running Fleet. I just enrolled them with Launcher and i don't how can i use the polylogyx extension, in order to allow my Fleet instance to gather the information that this extension provides. I'm sorry if i'm too noob for asking this, i want to improve hahaha. Any help?
I’m not sure anyone has setup additional extensions with launcher. It should be possible, but I’m not aware of docs or prior art. You’d need to get the extension onto the hosts, and pass launcher something with
so osquery loaded it.
Hi! I just circumvented this issue by taking the polylogyx extension and rename it as "osquery-extension.exe" in the folder where i execute the launcher. Now i can query all that stuff. Thank you!!
I'm sorry if i'm being a troglodite hahahah
I would not recommend that. You may see launcher break.