:wave: I'm seeing some behavior with kolide fleet ...
# kolide
👋 I'm seeing some behavior with kolide fleet on ECS. I'm running a task definition that is supposed to start up kolide fleet with
fleet serve
. After
fleet serve
is running, nothing from stdout is getting logged. Is this expected, if so is there a way around this?
Fleet doesn’t generate a ton of logs, but you should at least see something like this on startup.
{ "msg": "listening", "address": "", "transport": "http", "ts": "2020-09-02T16:02:55.480404453Z" }
I do see that actually, the problem I'm seeing in the script I'm running is everything after
fleet serve
doesn't show up
so things like
echo "hello world"
doesn't seem to get to stdout
What do you mean after?
fleet serve
never exits until you stop the process, so nothing after that command in a script would run
I see.
Is there a way to load queries and packs via
fleet serve
? My understanding is
is only for fleet configuration, not packs
No. You load them via fleetctl or similar. They persist in the database so you only need to do it once (per environment)
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