Where are Fleet servers expected to store their co...
# kolide
Where are Fleet servers expected to store their connection information: MySQL or Redis?
The distributed (live queries) state lives in redis
Thank you. How would one query that?
You would use a Redis client, there are a few. The connection settings would be the same as what you have configured Fleet with, but you would of course need to be on a network that could access the Redis instance
I have access to redis-sli on the redis server itself. What I would like to check initially would be the connection status of osquery clients.
CLIENT LIST does list the connections from both Fleet servers.
The osquery agents talk to Fleet, not redis. They would never be listed there.
What I am trying to resolve is why osquery agents connected to Fleet server #2 appear offline to Fleet server #1, but not the other way around.
Thank you. Would I find connection information in MySQL? If so, how might I locate that information?
I don’t think “active connections” are stored in MySQL, but there is a
column. I would guess that is what is used to show in the UI if a host is online or not, but I’m not certain.
Interesting. I will take a look into that. Thanks!
In MySQL I found something interesting: the seen_time field in the hosts table does not get updated when osquery clients are not logged into fleet server #2 although they are updated when connected to fleet server #2. I suspect some permissions issue is in place.
Whoops, yeah the column is
, not
. But it sounds like you’re on the right track
Interesting, only one fleet server at a time can write to kolide/hosts/seen_time
That seems… odd and unexpected. I’d be interested what the logs say if you turn on debug logging
When Fleet server #1 is up, only it can write, Fleet server #2 can only write when Fleet server #1 is down
I will look into that.
The storage method is InnoDB. Is that relevant?
I found root cause of the issue: the time of the two Fleet servers were not synchronized.
👍 2
Once I ensured that chronyd was functioning properly, the issue was resolved. One server's time was two minutes behind the other so client connection times to it always appeared out-of-date. Synchronizing the time resolved this.