:wave: Trying to debug an issue and I'm curious if...
# kolide
👋 Trying to debug an issue and I'm curious if anyone else has encountered it here — we have a group of linux endpoints that were enrolled in Fleet previously but are no longer visible in the UI or reachable via fleetcl . My theory is that this may be related to the "automatic host expiry" option enabled but the "last seen time" for one of the hosts is yesterday; our expiry window much larger than 24 hrs 😛 . How does Kolide determine "last seen time"?
Any time the host makes a request to Fleet the seen time is updated.
Even if a host is "expired" by not checking in for the period, if osqueryd runs with the appropriate configuration (enroll secret) it will just re-enroll.
These hosts are still in the DB?
I haven't hopped onto the DB instance yet, I was trying to reach the host via
and the fleet UI first.
Does the host show up in
fleetctl get hosts
How do you know what the last seen time is if the hosts don't show up?
We ingest Fleet server logs into BigQuery
So you saw a server log indicating that host made a request?
we have a log line that show the host was online yesterday and it's last_seen_time was also yesterday
I was also expecting the nodes to re-enroll as well. I was able re-enroll it by supplying the config + enroll endpoint flags from the command line.
Where did you see the
if not in the UI or DB?
Sorry let my clarify. I didn't interface with the DB directly. We are ingesting the db data into GCP's BigQuery and I was able to see the last_seen_time and online status there.
Ah, I see. Would be interesting to know if the entry is in the DB. If so, there's no reason it should not be available through the UI/fleetctl.
🍻 1