hey all, also posted this in <#C0F2H1A1L|sql>, fig...
# kolide
hey all, also posted this in #sql, figuring it touches both subjects, but is it possible to run a query without the hostname in the selection (in kolide fleet)? i notice if i try to group distinct chrome_extensions through a list of assets  i'll still receive 1 row per computer, but i'm looking to group all computers and see a count of how many assets have the extensions installed
Fleet retrieves results from individual endpoints, but doesn't do any complex aggregations. You're best off getting the results via
(or exporting) and doing the aggregation with other tools.
thank you!
Just thought I’d add our SaaS product does some of this for you with a feature called inventory. Ex: It will list all the unique chrome exts by unique identifier and you can then dive in from there. Check out the free trial if you want to see what I mean