W0608 09:33:20.691399 19904 tls_enroll.cpp:76] Fai...
# kolide
W0608 093320.691399 19904 tls_enroll.cpp:76] Failed enrollment request to https://<ip address>:8080/osquery/enroll (Cannot parse JSON: Invalid value. Offset: 0) retrying.
Looks like the server is not returning JSON. Probably because you have the path wrong?
--tls_dump --verbose
with osquery will help you see what the communications look like.
Thanks @zwass, tried modifying the info in the flags file but still getting same error. Here is the flags file attached: I did use the -tls_dump --verbose and here is more of the info presented
<script>document.addEventListener("touchstart", function() {},false);</script> </body> </html> W0608 093308.768553 19904 tls_enroll.cpp:76] Failed enrollment request to https://m0508513.lab.ppops.net:8080/osquery/enroll (Cannot parse JSON: Invalid value. Offset: 0) retrying... Thrift: Mon Jun 8 093310 2020 Client connected. Thrift: Mon Jun 8 093310 2020 TPipe ::GetOverlappedResult errored GLE=errno = 109 Thrift: Mon Jun 8 093310 2020 Client connected. Thrift: Mon Jun 8 093310 2020 TConnectedClient died: TPipe: GetOverlappedResult failed Thrift: Mon Jun 8 093310 2020 TPipe ::GetOverlappedResult errored GLE=errno = 109 Thrift: Mon Jun 8 093310 2020 TConnectedClient died: TPipe: GetOverlappedResult failed I0608 093311.581754 19904 tls.cpp:253] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <ip address>:8080/osquery/enroll
The logs show you are still hitting the wrong endpoint.