I followed the doc <https://github.com/kolide/flee...
# kolide
I followed the doc https://github.com/kolide/fleet/blob/master/docs/infrastructure/fleet-on-centos.md and installed kolide on one of my centos server. Kolide fleet and osquery are running on the same server. But when i try to enroll the host to the fleet server, i get the below error messages. Any help on this? When generating the cert, i used the hostname of the server which is running fleet+osquery in my case as the CN name and matched the same in --tls_hostname= flag. Did i miss something? any help on why the client is not enrolled to the server?
Connection timed out
probably means requests to that hostname are not being routed to that server.
But here, i am trying to enroll a localhost. Kolide fleet is running on the same host as osqueryd.
I'm guessing you didn't redact localhost in the above screenshot?
the redacted text is the ip address of the server running fleet.
Can you
curl redacted:8080
i get a gateway timeout error when i do curl as well
Then the Fleet server is definitely not listening on the interface you are trying to route to.
Thanks @zwass Will check it out and get back.