Hello! I have a general sizing question regarding ...
# kolide
Hello! I have a general sizing question regarding Kolide Fleet: what is the approximate maximum number of osquery clients that can connect to a single Kolide Fleet instance? Also, what sort of system requirements are recommended for a server running Kolide Fleet together with Redis and MySQL (CPU, memory, storage, etc.). I have been finding it difficult to locate any online documentation regarding such requirements. Thanks!
20-30k in an instance currently. There are some changes coming very soon that will 10x that. How many are you aiming for?
Initially ~30,000, but eventually ~250,000.
We are willing to have multiple Fleet servers with a common Redis/MySQL backend, if necessary.
For a Fleet server connecting to ~30,000 nodes, what would be sensible specifications regarding memory/cpu/disk space?
Also, any recommendations for a Redis/MySQL backend server connecting to up to 10 such Fleet servers?
Regarding the forthcoming capacity enhancements, is there any time schedule for their arrival? Thanks!
Capacity enhancements likely to come in the next few weeks. Your MySQL server will be taking on most of the load, so that's the one that should have the strongest stats. Plus it's easy to add additional Fleet servers connecting to the same MySQL. All of this highly varies based on your intervals, query volume, etc.
Are there any good starting recommendations?
Recommendations on the high side are acceptable to us since growth is expected - better to be oversized than undersized.
from AWS or equivalent for MySQL. 2 medium sized EC2 boxes should do fine for Fleet. 1 smallish Redis.
Thanks! This is very helpful.
For clarification: by medium EC2 do you mean someting like m5.2xlarge? For smallish EC2, m5.large? Thanks!
Yes those sound good.
Thank! This gives me some specification with which to begin.