Are labels a way to create smart groups of machine...
# kolide
Are labels a way to create smart groups of machines? Or is it a “run-once” kind of feature? I set up a label called “Currently connected to USB Device” with the following SQL:
Copy code
SELECT path FROM mounts LEFT JOIN block_devices ON mounts.device = WHERE block_devices.type="USB"
It correctly added my machine to the label, but after removing the USB it hasn’t updated. The wording on your website implies that you can use labels to dynamically detect which machines are running vulnerable software:
Even if you set that to a low interval, you still won't have immediate execution of a query on the machine. The machine has to request a new config again after the label update.
Is your query resource intensive? Is there a reason you can't schedule it on all machines?
I’m just trying to plan it out. I was thinking maybe I could do more resource-intensive queries (like hashing every file) if I could limit the blast-radius to just machines violating our USB device policies
You can do that with labels
You may not need labels if you craft the query to only generate hashes of files on removable drives.