Hi I'm trying to connect Osquery on (windows 10) t...
# kolide
Hi I'm trying to connect Osquery on (windows 10) to my fleet on (ubuntu 18) but I'm getting this error ( tls handshake error ) any ideas ? #kolide
Sounds like your TLS cert on the windows 10 osquery box does not match the one your Fleet server is using.
So your fleet server is set up with .crt and .key files. Make sure your osquery agents are also using that same .crt file.
@Erich Stoekl I took the .pem file + enrollment key from the server and put them in the osquery file
the osquery agent needs a cert, not a private key. can you put the crt file on the osquery agent?
@Erich Stoekl Actually it just worked with the private key.
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If that's sufficient for you, great. I wouldn't recommend storing the private key on the osquery agents though.
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