Hi! I am trying to connect to fleetctl (fleetctl l...
# kolide
Hi! I am trying to connect to fleetctl (fleetctl login) from my Ubuntu and unfortunately I get this error:
Copy code
error logging in: POST /api/v1/koilde/login: Post httpsL//<servername>/api/v1/kolide/login: dial tcp <ip>:443: connect: connection timed out
Has anyone come across this problem before? By the way, the UI loads perfectly fine. I can login successfully through the UI, using the same credentials I tried with the fleetctl. Thanks!
L instead of a : ?
no sorry that was a typo... I meant to type https://
Took back last response you mentioned kolide works. Fleetctl vs traditional web-based kolide having different credentials. Did you do these 2 commands? fleetctl config set --address https//&lt;hostname&gt;443 fleetctl login
Also have you tried it from the fleet server?
Are you able to
that endpoint?
Yes I used those two commands... it still returns that the connection timed out. And I'm running the commands from within my fleet server. Are you saying that the fleetctl credentials are different than the webUI?
Because I thought it was the same credentials
@zwass I tried
from the fleet server and it returned that the connection timed out as well
Same credentials
If you can't curl the server then you don't have network connectivity
Alright so I really didn't have network connectivity. Port 443 was closed for some reason so that fixed that error! Thank you!
👍 1