good day, sorry to bother at this late hour. but i...
# kolide
good day, sorry to bother at this late hour. but i was wondering where i could find any docs there are about kolide and Authorization
Authorization of?
basically if i have a user auth into fleet, what controls can i place onthat.
can i have diffeernt users with different levels of access?
or is it full access?
There are two roles: admin and standard user. If I remember right, the main difference is standard users can’t modify modify other user settings… let me find the docs
thank you
Maybe it’s not documented? Anyway, the standard user can do almost everything the admin can, but cannot make changes to other users or system settings like SAML auth
for SSO, (okta for example) would i set up one for admins, and one for regular users?
or would I be able to separate users in that way with the fleet product?
Users must be invited via email. If SAML is enabled, they can SAML after invitation. Otherwise it's username/password. Fleet does not support JIT user creation via SAML