couple of development questions about kolide/fleet...
# kolide
couple of development questions about kolide/fleet: 1) Are there plans to split the API code from the frontend code? 2) Are there plans to support better frontend development tooling (latest webpack, hot module replacement, webpack dev server, etc)
API and frontend are already split. The frontend uses the API. I intend to upgrade webpack and other dependencies soon. HMR would be awesome but I'm not sure how difficult that is to get in.
Would be awesome if you are able to help on any of those.
sorry just saw your reply
yeah I was just trying to get HMR working locally
I upgraded webpack to 4.0 but a lot changed and it was complaining about some of the plugins
I saw your recent comment commit upgraded webpack to ~3 so that’s a great start!
Yeah I actually just did the Webpack 3->4 upgrade for and it sucked but I got it working eventually.
Figured I could use that experience to do the same for Fleet.
yeah it’s definitely not a fun experience configuring webpack
I see that you made a
branch 🙂
Yeah it seems to work. Maybe you can pull it down and see how it goes for ya?
yeah I’m definitely gonna do that soon
looks good on my machine
Nice, thanks for checking it out. I'm going to merge that branch. As far as HMR goes I'm not planning to implement that as we are currently not using the webpack dev server or middleware so I think it would be quite a bit of work.