are there any other changes to 2.1.2 not listed in...
# kolide
are there any other changes to 2.1.2 not listed in the Changes section? 2.1.1 has been giving me all sorts of grief and I had to downgrade to 2.1.0. I was about to file a bug, but needed further testing to confirm it's not my environment. When running a manual query, if I enter the query first, then select a host, the default query of "select * from osquery_info" is used, not the query I entered. I have to go back and update the query after the host has been selected, in order to make it work
That looks like perhaps a freshly introduced bug. Can you please file an issue?
I have some other non-security critical bugfixes that I'd like to get out soon so I can get that in there.
Oh, that has been happening to us as well @TonyC
Thank you for confirming it's not just me :)
Yeah I was able to reproduce as well and I believe I have a fix.
Great. Glad to hear it. Thank you for the quick reply