fairly sure I'm doing something stupid, but have f...
# kolide
fairly sure I'm doing something stupid, but have fleet setup and a client enrolled, but distributed queries don't seem to be working. Fleet shows the client as enrolled and I see results going into /tmp/osquery_results from the host. When I run a dist query, the host receives it, executes it, and says it's posting it back to the server but nothing happens in the results window.
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I0419 19:39:36.237423 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_1: SELECT * FROM users;
I0419 19:39:36.286029 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_2: SELECT * FROM users;
I0419 19:39:36.328785 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_3: SELECT * FROM osquery_info
I0419 19:39:36.334825 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_4: SELECT * FROM osquery_info;
I0419 19:39:36.336787 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_5: SELECT * FROM osquery_info;
I0419 19:39:36.346189 71012352 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/distributed/write>
I0419 19:39:43.415841 68354048 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/log>
I0419 19:39:53.478049 71012352 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/distributed/write>
I0419 19:39:53.492719 68354048 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/log>
I0419 19:40:03.635547 68354048 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/log>
I0419 19:40:13.613971 71012352 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/distributed/write>
I0419 19:40:13.692886 68354048 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/log>
I0419 19:40:23.818622 68354048 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/log>
I0419 19:40:33.946880 68354048 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/log>
I0419 19:40:39.743857 71012352 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/distributed/read>
I0419 19:40:40.005892 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_1: SELECT * FROM users;
I0419 19:40:40.051160 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_2: SELECT * FROM users;
I0419 19:40:40.094993 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_3: SELECT * FROM osquery_info
I0419 19:40:40.096632 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_4: SELECT * FROM osquery_info;
I0419 19:40:40.097954 71012352 distributed.cpp:119] Executing distributed query: kolide_distributed_query_5: SELECT * FROM osquery_info;
I0419 19:40:40.104478 71012352 tls.cpp:240] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.redacted/api/v1/osquery/distributed/write>
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Is redis rubbing ok?
Is there a way to check? /healthz times out and I don't see anything in the logs
if it times out that’s disturbing
if it’s returning 500 then you have an issue with either redis or mysql
logs would show which
would it have something to do with redis in cluster mode?
Figured it out. Indeed a redis issue, thanks for the help 🙂