For packs being pushed down via fleet, what will c...
# kolide
For packs being pushed down via fleet, what will cause a scheduled query to reset its counter value to 0? Today I modified a single query, that's included in a pack to a handful of systems, and I'm noticing that the counter values on other, unrelated and unchanged queries ended up being reset and were back at 0
By what means did you modify the query?
I just changed one of the columns in the SELECT for the query
Was this via the web ui or fleetctl?
Looking at more historical data, I'm actually seeing query results with the counter set to back to 0 much more frequently then I would expect, especially given I don't recall making any changes to queries. Perhaps the counter value doesn't work like I expected, I thought the value would always increase.
The other thing to note, looking at my status log on fleet, I'm seeing entries for
"filename":"query.cpp","line":"115","message":"Scheduled query has been updated: pack/
followed by the pack name/query name that it thinks is changing. Except its listing queries that definitely haven't changed in months. So for some reason osquery thinks the query is changing.
If you can reproduce this it would be interesting to enable —verbose —tls_dump logs and see whether the query sent over is actually changing or if it could be a bug on the osquery side.
Do you happen to know if it's possible to run osquery with tls_dump and verbose and redirect that extra verbosity/tls_dump into just a standard log file? I can't reliably reproduce, but I can at least let it run with those two flags in the background and wait to see that message about a query being updated. It might take a couple of days to trigger on its own, so I don't want to necessarily have to run osquery as a non-daemon
How are you running osquery? Can you configure stderr to go to a file?
That's what I ended up doing and caught one of the log messages about the query being updated (there haven't been any query updates in days), but I don't see anything of note or any reasoning in the output on the client. The message came about in between osqueryd doing a config refresh, the one previous to this event was ~4 minutes prior. Best I can tell, would seem like it's being triggered as a result of the scheduled query running. I don't see any differences between the query getting sent down to the endpoint either. Looks consistent at each checkin
Copy code
I0320 15:21:37.129468 33521 scheduler.cpp:100] Executing scheduled query pack/BaseSystemInfo/groups: SELECT * FROM groups where gid<10000;
I0320 15:21:37.137094 33521 query.cpp:115] Scheduled query has been updated: pack/BaseSystemInfo/groups
Copy code
"groups": {
          "query": "SELECT * FROM groups where gid\u003c10000;",
          "interval": 86400,
          "platform": "",
          "version": "",
          "removed": true