I'm running fleet 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 18.04. Only 11 a...
# kolide
I'm running fleet 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 18.04. Only 11 agents out there, but we'd like to scale to several hundred soon. I noticed that the journal logs on the fleet server are ~ 1gb/day and when I tail it, I see that it's mainly a steady stream of Fleet logs -- a) is this expected and b) is there a way to tune them to be less verbose?
You're talking about the HTTP logs that Fleet outputs?
it seems to be osquery related..
the systemlogs are a steady stream of what's pasted above in the pastebin.
This looks like you have debug logging enabled on the server?
@zwass + @Robb Breck oddly enough @atom and I encountered this very same problem yesterday. We haven’t explicitly set this value in a config (https://github.com/kolide/fleet/blob/master/docs/infrastructure/configuring-the-fleet-binary.md)
is there another place we can look to see if the flag is set? Or should we explicitly set it to FALSE?
I also didn't have it set, so I've explicitly set false in my yaml config, but following the logs I still see it logging like mad..
Copy code
  json: true
  debug: false
What version of fleet are you folk running?
2.02 over here...
"version": "2.0.0"
Please check out https://github.com/kolide/fleet/issues/2015 and https://github.com/kolide/fleet/issues/1439 and comment if you feel inclined to weigh in on either of those.
I will likely implement leveled logging shortly and then you can build from master or wait for a new release.