After lots of debugging, I encountered that in mac...
# kolide
After lots of debugging, I encountered that in mac, launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.launcher.launcher.plist doesn't load and returns
invalid property list
Just encountered the same issue after building with package-builder for the first time. I tried out fleet about a year ago briefly and didn’t encounter the same issue. Is this possibly Mojave related?
Yes, it built and tested on Mojave. Is there any specific bug/build error with Mojave?
After running the plist through
plutil -convert xml -r com.kolide.launcher.plist -o /tmp/test.plist
I compared the changes in the plist file. Changing that value allowed it to launch.
Literally just figured it out
but now the actual agent is crashing on load so I still have to investigate. May be completely unrelated
I'll try this. I was able to connect to my fleet instance after setting enviornment variables manually and running
/usr/local/launcher/bin/launcher --insecure
I’m not sure about the load thing, but plist generation changed recently. Can you file a github issue on that?
Yup I planned on it once I got everything sorted out
Cool. I can dig a bit, and try to tell whether it was my recent changes, or something in the plist library I’m calling.