I have about 9000 hosts and the system runs pretty...
# kolide
I have about 9000 hosts and the system runs pretty slow and my server is all choked up
how are you managing them now?
Can you tell us more about your setup? What are the checkin intervals set at? How many fleet servers are running? Are the Fleet servers or the MySQL servers the ones that are maxing CPU (I assume this is what you mean by "choked up"?)
I use the default intervals and configurations, I used to have a single server for the Fleet server and the MySQL . I've created separate servers for the Fleet, MySQL and Redis, I've noticed that when I run a distributed query, the MySQL server is maxing CPU.
I recently merged a commit that may help with this (https://github.com/kolide/fleet/pull/1965). I'd be curious whether this improves things for you at all.