Hello, I was wondering why my uptime seems to not ...
# kolide
Hello, I was wondering why my uptime seems to not be updating on Kolide Fleet. Since I'm new to both Kolide and osquery.
When you say "Uptime" are you querying the "uptime" table or are you just looking at machines in the "hosts" tab?
Looking at the Hosts in the Host Tab.
ok, I did a query as I did last night and now it seems to be correct. Win7x64-003 0 6 Win7x64-002 0 11 Win7x64-004 0 11 Win7x64-001 0 12
so do you know when the value gets updated?
Because I can perform a test to shutdown the systems and then start them and see if it records the correct time.
Not sure, however I do know it lags behind. I've not expereinced incorrect values when I query however.