I’m somewhat confused by the docker configs you’ve...
# kolide
I’m somewhat confused by the docker configs you’ve shared
I got it to work eventually. What was confusing about the docket configs?
how they relate to whatever issue you had. there was not enough context
zach mentioned he helped you though, so 👍
Ahh ok I had 3 issues, MySQL version, needed to fire off prepare dB.. which is hard because often the docker container quits before you can do that (any tips there?) and finally I had an issue with the .key file that I corrected
run prepared db in an entry point
fleet prepare db; fleet serve
Got it
That makes sense
I’m on mobile now but I do have questions about using a layer 7 GLB in GCP that Zach said perhaps you could answer
I’ll hit you up tomorrow
you’re using launcher?
if you’re not, layer 7 lb is fine. if you are layer 7 on gcp is not possible right now, use a l4 lb