found out that MariaDB-server-10.1 does not work. ...
# kolide
found out that MariaDB-server-10.1 does not work. updated the database github issue yall got going. any good work around to get me moving? using fleet 1.0.8
Copy code
well. for MariaDB-server-10.1 we get this error @groob

2018/07/18 20:58:55 FAIL 20170306075207_UseUTF8MB.go (alter table file_integrity_monitoring_files: Error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes), quitting migration.

did some looking around

found this here

Because of mysql 5.6 (includes prior versions) InnoDB max index length is 767 bytes, mysql 5.7.7 is up to 3072 bytes.
If some varchar column's length is 255, when the character format is utf-8 needs 2553=765 bytes for index length, It's OK.
But, an utf8mb needs 2554=1020 bytes for index length.


UPGRADE the mysql to 5.7.7(Mariadb 10.2.2)
Change the utf8mb column length to 191 (191*4=764)
Change the utf8mb to utf8
set innodb_file_format=Barracuda, innodb_large_prefix=on and create table using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or COMPRESSED (default for 5.7.7)

seems to be the same issue
@groob Is there a good work around for this problem?
use mysql 5.7 for fleet or submit a pull request
there might be a better answer long term, but AFAIK it’s not an issue anyone is actively working on right now
cc @marpaia
what’s the problem? mysql needs to be updated?
Company uses Mariadb 10.1 for our managed service db
mariadb support
mariadb support and current status of this issue
alright. So if submitted a perfect pull request what is the timeline on having it merged and into a version that has the tag
Latest release
@cen if you do it soonish, we can make sure it’s in 2.0.0
we’re pretty quick to move PRs along
it’s just our issue backlog which is long 😅
when is 2.0 planed to be moved to
Latest release
right now latest is 1.0.8
we MAY cut one more release as an rc4, but we are certainly endeavoring to cut 2.0.0 soon if master is stable for everyone
we may cut an 2.0.0-rc4 and then re-release it as 2.0.0
but soon hopefully
but if this doesn’t make it, we can always cut 2.0.1 and mark it latest
so nbd
So my director wants a production ready instance of fleet by 8/15 problem is we don't use mysql (mariadb) and we don't use redis(MeghaCache). Im starting think this might be impossible.
i don’t know what megacache is.. are there problems with it?
and can you update mariadb? it seems like there’s a bug and the latest version of maridb fixes the bug according to this github issue
sorry i ment Memcached
and can you update mariadb
No I can not
oh, memcached, yeah, that’s gonna be complicated because we also use redis as the pubsub broker for live query result streaming
which idk if memcached can do
but if it can, we would accept a patch for memcached support, it should be easy to setup a local instance
Thank you. You guys are great. I need to reevaluate this and see how my leadership wants to handle this.
yeah, let me know. we also have a SaaS if that’s an option: