Hi, does any one have any documentation on what th...
# extensions
Hi, does any one have any documentation on what the numeric monitoring is generating?
I see <path><value><time> in the docs, but is there any information about those paths?
Also in our logs I boolean at the end:
query.total.count	1	1630696802338661	false
what does that true/false mean? I don't think that's mentioned in the docs
You're right it's not documented, and it looks like something that was added in 2018 by Facebook personnel that are no longer on the project
I think it's also not related to extensions
oh sorry...I posted this in the wrong channel didn't i?
my bad
oh, no worries, maybe someone in #general would know
Yep...that's where I thought i posted this. Nothing to see here. moving on.
😅 1