will do...not sure how that happened when I did th...
# kolide
will do...not sure how that happened when I did the build of the msi
When you do the build, you need to ‘git checkout tags/2.11.2’
👍 2
I did a checkout of 2.11.2 I deleted the build dir and then ran .\tools\make-win64-dev.bat & .\tools\make-win64-binaries.bat. Now when I run .\tools\deployment\make_windows_package.ps1 -Type msi -ConfigFile c:\Pathto\osquery.conf -FlagFile c:\Pathto\osquery.flags -Extras @("c:\Pathto\enroll_secret") which worked for me on 3.2.3, but now I get Test-Path : Illegal characters in path. running the get help on the script shows the the switches as lowercase but when I try that all it does is build the choco package. Any ideas?
Replace that ps1 with the current version (https://github.com/facebook/osquery/blob/master/tools/deployment/make_windows_package.ps1) and run it… Should work
That worked thanks again for the help
👍 1