<@U8Z3X1Q8J> is any any backend for fleet? I mean ...
# kolide
@Kemal is any any backend for fleet? I mean any web server like nginx or apache? I installed fleet and on this step fleet serve --config /tmp/kolide.yml. But I don't understand is this enough for running web or I missed something else?
@Eldar my understanding is that the
binary serves the web app
Thanks @sebnash I found another link for installing on Ubuntu https://github.com/kolide/fleet/blob/master/docs/infrastructure/fleet-on-ubuntu.md will use this one ))
I got it running on Ubuntu (on GCP) so let me know if you have any questions
@sebnash I have just started studying osquery. Installed fleet server on virtual env. It works. How to add hosts? Did not understand yet
@sebnash here is output from docs
Copy code
Set an environment variable with an agent enrollment secret
The enrollment secret is a value that osquery uses to ensure a level of confidence that the host running osquery is actually a host that you would like to hear from. There are a few ways you can set the enrollment secret on the hosts which you control. You can either set the value as:

an value of an environment variable (a common name is OSQUERY_ENROLL_SECRET)
the content of a local file (a common path is /etc/osquery/enrollment_secret)
The value of the environment variable or content of the file should be a secret shared between the osqueryd client and the Fleet server. This is basically osqueryd's passphrase which it uses to authenticate with Fleet, convincing Fleet that it is actually one of your hosts. The passphrase could be whatever you'd like, but it would be prudent to have the passphrase long, complex, mixed-case, etc. When you launch the Fleet server, you should specify this same value.
how to specify this values?
you have 2 routes – use Kolide’s Launcher, or deploy ‘native’ osqueryd and confiqure it yourself
I am reading this link. Which one is the best? the 1st one seems easier.
I’m experimenting with both…
https://github.com/kolide/fleet/blob/master/docs/infrastructure/fleet-on-ubuntu.md on this page, To install fleet run the following… the command “sudo cp fleet/linux/fleet /usr/bin/fleet” not working
fleet/linux/fleet no such file or directory
the directory created by previous command is fleet_linux_amd64
so, i must change the path. (Im also ne on linux systems)
sudo cp fleet/linux/fleet_linux_amd64 /usr/bin/fleet
@sebnash thank you very much.