Hi all,  I have a doubt that can be a little stupi...
# windows
Hi all,  I have a doubt that can be a little stupid. Is there a table to monitor new devices on windows or to monitor new devices plugged into the USB? I know that for linux there is a table, but for Windows I didn't notice the most suitable one.
I don't see the devices table used on Linux for Windows according to osquery.io/schema. However, you might be able to use the
Just spit balling here but Windows Events might have an EventID for new USB devices. If so you can use the
table to query that event ID
You can narrow in on particular events, but I suggest checking the results from:
SELECT * from windows_events WHERE provider_name='Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-PnP';
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Another option would be to use the kolide_wmi table and run something like this:
Copy code
WITH pnp_raw AS (
  SELECT * FROM kolide_wmi WHERE class = 'Win32_PnPEntity' AND properties = 'Availability,Caption,ClassGuid,CompatibleID,ConfigManagerErrorCode,ConfigManagerUserConfig,CreationClassName,Description,DeviceID,ErrorCleared,ErrorDescription,HardwareID,InstallDate,LastErrorCode,Manufacturer,Name,PNPClass,PNPDeviceID,PowerManagementCapabilities,PowerManagementSupported,Present,Service,Status,StatusInfo,SystemCreationClassName,SystemName'),
pivot_wmi AS (
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Availability' THEN value END) AS availability,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Caption' THEN value END) AS caption,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'ClassGuid' THEN value END) AS class_guid,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'CompatibleID' THEN value END) AS compatible_id,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'ConfigManagerErrorCode' THEN value END) AS config_mgr_err_code,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'ConfigManagerUserConfig' THEN value END) AS config_mgr_user_config,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'CreationClassName' THEN value END) AS creation_class_name,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Description' THEN value END) AS description,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'DeviceID' THEN value END) AS device_id,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'ErrorCleared' THEN value END) AS error_cleared,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'ErrorDescription' THEN value END) AS error_description,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'HardwareID' THEN value END) AS hardware_id,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'InstallDate' THEN value END) AS install_date,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'LastErrorCode' THEN value END) AS last_error_code,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Manufacturer' THEN value END) AS manufacturer,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Name' THEN value END) AS name,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'PNPClass' THEN value END) AS pnp_class,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'PNPDeviceID' THEN value END) AS pnp_device_id,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'PowerManagementCapabilities' THEN value END) AS pwr_mgmt_capabilities,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'PowerManagementSupported' THEN value END) AS pwr_mgmt_supported,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Present' THEN value END) AS present,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Service' THEN value END) AS service,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'Status' THEN value END) AS status,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'StatusInfo' THEN value END) AS status_info,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'SystemCreationClassName' THEN value END) AS system_creation_class_name,
    MAX(CASE WHEN key = 'SystemName ' THEN value END) AS system_name
  FROM pnp_raw
  GROUP BY parent)
SELECT * FROM pivot_wmi WHERE pnp_class = 'USBDevice'
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Using WMI is an excellent suggestion! I didn't even think of that.
@CptOfEvilMinions hii
your tip for looking at the "disk_info" table was the one that suited me so I can filter through the "USB" type field and get the following example result Disk drive13997486080Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1(Standard disk drives)\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE11USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_KINGSTON&PROD_DATATRAVELER_2.0&REV_1.00\0013729B6EB8F9B0361F0EB6&00013729B6EB8F9B0361F0EB6
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