Ah... I see, looks like this was supposed to have ...
# windows
Ah... I see, looks like this was supposed to have been addressed by @alessandrogario in the recent ebpf work (https://github.com/osquery/osquery/blob/master/libraries/cmake/source/thrift/CMakeLists.txt#L96)
oh no! is it not working?
I haven't been able to get a build off of master right now, with a clean clone, not sure what I'm doing wrong 😞
I'm pretty sure I'm operating off of C++17? Any thoughts on other stuff I could do to help debug? I looked through the patch, everything is there, it's really confusing why it's not getting applied/hooked up :((
I ran out of time last night though so I just checked out 4.5.1 for the thing I needed, I'll try and investigate more tonight when I get a second
I'll start with a fresh system too and see if I can reproduce it
Def, lemme know, I'm wanting to believe that this is just something with my system >.> As it seems like no one else is seeing this
@sharvil started looking into this friday 🙂
(On all platforms :))