hello. i am trying to run osquery in an automated ...
# windows
hello. i am trying to run osquery in an automated fashion on windows environment. i am writing a python module - but seeing problem. i am sure i made some mistakes. is there a step by step guide to enable using osquery via python automation? I have looked in github and found one osquery-python. but having isues there.
What are you asking? It's a process. Run it using any standard process management tools. Python on windows seems like an unusual choice, but I don't know you're environment.
More common is to run osqueryd as a service.
Less common is to shell out to osqueryi
Somethings (kolide launcher) manage osqueryd as subprocesses. As said, it's a process. Manage it however.
thanks @seph and @packetzero I was able to automate using OSQUERYD.exe -not shell.