<@U8UHGSLSY> The build folder can be put "where yo...
# windows
@jjerger The build folder can be put "where you want", doesn't necessarily have to be under osquery (but I understand the organization reasons). That been said, it's partially msbuild fault to create such deep paths and have such low limit. We'll try to shorten those, but you could alo build with Ninja instead of msbuild, which actually is faster, because it properly schedules parallel compilation jobs.
Oh, is that in the docs somewhere? Parallel compilation would be great. I only see cmake and buck in the docs, though.
So to be fair parallel compilation is already present in msbuild, although it's difficult to obtain what you want (automatic scheduling of it). And no docs currently do not have Ninja, you might to want to look at: https://github.com/osquery/osquery/issues/5968#issuecomment-548536717
the caveat with it is that there's no automatic discovery of compiler paths, so you need to manually call the Visual Studio vcvarsall.bat
Cool, I'll give that a look. I did notice if I renamed the build folder a single character, it works, so it looks like we're barely over the 260 character limit
There's also a way to do that on Powershell though via a couple of scripts which reproduce the cmd environment created by vcvarsall in powershell. But I don't have them handy right now ^^'
No worries. Looks like I got msbuild working after changing the folder name to something shorter, so I'll see if it builds ok and check out Ninja if I run into more file path length problems