<@U0JFM04MS> - I was hoping to avoid dependencies ...
# windows
@zwass - I was hoping to avoid dependencies in the Powershell module code and access kolide directly. I haven’t tried wrapping PS around fleetctl on windows though. Will the kolide API allow for running live queries?
Sure, you can run live queries with the Fleet API. That's what the Fleet frontend and
do. You can search for old threads in #kolide where I tried to point folks towards those implementations.
Thanks! I was able to get something working pretty quickly. I’ll check out #kolide for Live Query examples (as I only tired GETs)
For the live query you need to open a websocket and reauth for the result stream. It's not quite as simple but it's nothing crazy.
Please post your code when you finish if you are able to.
Cool thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Haven’t had a chance to try yet but I see from the JS client example how to go about it. I can post a sample in this channel tomorrow
I’m still struggling with this a bit. When setting up the websocket in C# I’m required to provide a wss:// scheme url but can’t seem to find what url I should use. I’m seen other implementations that create a tcp connection and send over a special header asking for a connection upgrade but wasn’t working for me. Any ideas?
Ah perfect. Thanks again!