If you’re trying to do this regularly, you should ...
# windows
If you’re trying to do this regularly, you should probably figure out packaging systems for real. If you want a one off, you can use wix’s dark.exe to decompile an MSI into the wix xml, then re-compile it with the changes you want.
If you’re trying to do this regularly, you should probably figure out packaging systems for real.
Are there any docs on that anywhere? I'm just finding lots of old blogs from 2009 to 2012 talking about "orca", "super orca", "insted" but nothing that looks... reasonable for packaging this on an ongoing basis. And for the one-off version... I've decompiled it, edited the
files to add what I need and edited
to add those files, but I don't know what wix command to run to actually build them.
Copy code
PS C:\osquery\build> candle .\osquery-4.1.2.wxs
Windows Installer XML Toolset Compiler version
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.

PS C:\osquery\build> light .\osquery-4.1.2.wixobj
Windows Installer XML Toolset Linker version
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.

C:\osquery\build\osquery-4.1.2.wxs(119) : error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol 'Property:WIX_ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATORS' in section 'Product:{0F09414E-B63F-4378-B070-99BBE8A7FA44}'.
C:\osquery\build\osquery-4.1.2.wxs(120) : error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol 'Property:WIX_ACCOUNT_LOCALSYSTEM' in section 'Product:{0F09414E-B63F-4378-B070-99BBE8A7FA44}'.
C:\osquery\build\osquery-4.1.2.wxs(121) : error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol 'Property:WIX_ACCOUNT_USERS' in section 'Product:{0F09414E-B63F-4378-B070-99BBE8A7FA44}'.
C:\osquery\build\osquery-4.1.2.wxs(122) : error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol 'WixUI:WixUI_InstallDir' in section 'Product:{0F09414E-B63F-4378-B070-99BBE8A7FA44}'.
PS C:\osquery\build>
@zwass ^ by any chance, do you know what wix magic I need to invoke to get this to actually build?
I have not tried this method with dark.exe... The way I've done this successfully is by taking the script generated by
, modifying to suit my needs, and building with candle and light. Possibly you just need to add some
elements or something to make that one work?
ah, okay, I'll try that, gotta get Buck builds working I guess 🤷
Shouldn't be any need to get any build working for that...
In fact you could really just copy the template stuff out of the script and put it together appropriately.
Copy code
PS C:\osquery> .\tools\deployment\make_windows_package.ps1
[-] Did not find build directory at C:\osquery\tools\deployment\..\..\buck-out\release\gen\osquery. Check build script output.
@zwass that's what I'm getting when I try to run it
I find it convenient to use 7zip to extract the osqueryd.exe from the MSI package, then use that in the wix bundling.
You'll need to comment out/replace appropriately some sections of the script to get it to the point where it writes the wxs file. You could maybe also just fake those directories.
The wix xml should work wherever you get it. The powershell sxript, dark, or hand writing it.
TBH wix sucks. But MSIs suck. Really everything sucks here. The next gen format might be nice, but it's not real.
Read the wix docs. They probably haven't changed.
I'd also suggest finding the launcher go wrapper around wix. You don't have to use it, but it should be readable.
Candle and light sound like the right tools.
The launcher stuff is pkg/packagekit/wix IIRC.
I ended up figuring it out by creating a
directory with my flag file and enrollment secret, then adding this patch:
Copy code
diff --git a/cmake/packaging.cmake b/cmake/packaging.cmake
index 73bc1b6a..9e83f888 100644
--- a/cmake/packaging.cmake
+++ b/cmake/packaging.cmake
@@ -209,9 +209,12 @@ function(generateInstallTargets)
     file(COPY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/provision/chocolatey/osquery_utils.ps1" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/wix")
     install(FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/wix/osquery_utils.ps1" DESTINATION .)
-    file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/wix/osquery.flags")
+    file(COPY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/custom/osquery.flags" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/wix")
     install(FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/wix/osquery.flags" DESTINATION .)
+    file(COPY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/custom/kolide.enrollment_secret" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/wix")
+    install(FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/wix/kolide.enrollment_secret" DESTINATION .)
     # osqueryd
     install(TARGETS osqueryd DESTINATION osqueryd)
diff --git a/cmake/wix_patches/osquery_wix_patch.xml b/cmake/wix_patches/osquery_wix_patch.xml
index bfb25032..41613f89 100644
--- a/cmake/wix_patches/osquery_wix_patch.xml
+++ b/cmake/wix_patches/osquery_wix_patch.xml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
         <ServiceInstall Id='osqueryd'
             Account='NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'
-            Arguments='--flagfile="[INSTALL_ROOT]osquery.flags"'
+            Arguments='--flagfile="[INSTALL_ROOT]osquery.flags" --enroll_secret_path="[INSTALL_ROOT]kolide.enrollment_secret"'
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
         <PropertyRef Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_USERS" />
         <PropertyRef Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATORS" />
\ No newline at end of file
I updated the docs on https://github.com/dactivllc/docker-wix and included an example of how you can build an MSI from any Docker host. It shouldn't be too difficult to move to building your MSI with that container if you have a working
wine is 32bit, right? Does that cause any weirdness in the resultant packages?
You might also want to take a look at
for code signing
Wine can be 32 or 64 bit. WiX is 32 bit. I have not found any issue with the packages.
is next up on the list.
If you dig through the launcher repo, you can find the ossltool invocations