#kolide is a channel for community support. Does...
# windows
#kolide is a channel for community support. Does enrollment work for other platforms? What error do you get?
I only have windows sytem is my home network [4:25 PM] the Centos system Im hosting kolide I didnt actually enroll it [4:29 PM] The TLS tls enroll Failed enrollment request [4:29 PM] but when I used the - -tls_dump the enrollment secret Matches what Kolide has for Enroll host
I tossed my flags file in the main lobby, any suggestions?
By “Kolide” you mean Kolide Fleet?
Are you using launcher, or osquery?
What do the client debug logs say?
using Kolide Fleet yes, with osquery
not familar with the debug logs let me try to locate those
im super noob to this
Run osquery in the forground, instead of as a service, and see what it says
to do that do I just replace the osqueryd command like with osquery, do apoligize very new
Run as such osqueryi.exe --verbose --tls_dump --flagfile=\ProgramData\osquery\osquery.flags"
For the enroll secret env you mentioned in the main lobby should I just remove that line competley?
Looks like same error W0107 173747.991181 812 tls_enroll.cpp:67] Failed enrollment request to (Request error: Failed to connect to unknown error) retrying...
Well… Can you connect to that?
oddly not through the browser, I can ssh to the box and ping it but I cannot reach the Gui for kolie fleet from the windows box
Seems like you found your problem then
Not a network guy so seems odd as to why that would be
would that be a configuration issue with Kolide or something just network wise
I can reach the default Centos site on the box just not Kolide