normally the extension just connects to an already...
# extensions
normally the extension just connects to an already running osquery instance
I set the auto load property in the osquery flag file and point it to the extension run file full path.
When osqueryd loads, it registers the extension and start query it
It's unusual for the process to get restarted multiple times like that, can you reduce your extension code to something that can reproduce the error?
class MyTablePlugin(osquery.TablePlugin): def name(self): return "foobar2" def columns(self): return [ osquery.TableColumn(name="foo", type=osquery.STRING), osquery.TableColumn(name="baz", type=osquery.STRING), ] def query_table(self): try: # Spawn an osquery process using an ephemeral extension socket. instance = osquery.SpawnInstance() # This may raise an exception # Issues queries and call osquery Thrift APIs. RESULTS = instance.client.query("SELECT name, path, pid FROM processes limit 2") if RESULTS.status.code != 0: print("Error running the query: %s" % RESULTS.status.message) sys.exit(1) for row in RESULTS.response: print("=" * 80) for key, val in row.items(): print("%s => %s" % (key, val)) if len(RESULTS.response) > 0: print("=" * 80) #instance.client. #osquery.s except Exception as err: print("Error " + str(err)) def generate(self, context): try: query_data = [] self.query_table() for _ in range(2): row = {} row["foo"] = "bar" row["baz"] = "baz" query_data.append(row) return query_data except Exception as err: print("Error " + str(err))
I wrote the query_table function. It has a basic code for query a built in table processes. The Generate function calls this function. and by thus, each time the osquery query this new table, the Generate function is called .. and calls the query and it causes the extra process to load. any ideas why it happens?