Osquery is designed to talk to extensions over a t...
# general
Osquery is designed to talk to extensions over a thrift socket. You can query over it. This may not be better than osqueryi, though it has less exec overhead
thank you very much for the info, I will look into both options, you might be right that the schemas are the same
The table schema should be the same, but sometimes there’s some meta data differences. But it should be pretty easily transformable,
There are some caveats around diff vs snapshot queries. But I think diff queries are a poor fit for the problem you described.
yes, I’ve been using the snapshot ones
the concern with the osqueryi is that they are missing a bit of the data in the json files compared to the osquery service
What data is missing? There may be ways of getting it
things like the decorators
not the queries themselves, more like data about the data
Ah, yes. I don’t think other things have decorators. You could built that into the query usage.
I don’t think there’s a simple answer here. 😕 It’s just not how it’s made to be used. So you’re working around it