Hi. How can I check if a password has been set for...
# general
Hi. How can I check if a password has been set for a system in windows or macOS client with osquery?? I would appreciate it if someone can help me find a related query.
Here are some related queries to check for disk encryption
I think the question is about whether a password is set, not disk encryption?
For macOS, I would recommend checking out the password_policy table @Reza Kazemy -> https://osquery.io/schema/5.5.1/#password_policy
As for Windows, this table will contain the info you want:
- it has been merged recently (https://github.com/osquery/osquery/pull/7794) and should appear in a future release of osquery in the not too distant future 🙂
Thank you so much.
@Guillaume @seph @Rachel Perkins