Hi there, I am trying to get the version of chrome...
# kolide
Hi there, I am trying to get the version of chrome and alert if it is below a certain version, latest at the moment. I try to use the examples for deb_packages, but I do not manage to get them run. Is there a good place for examples and learn Kolide SQL? Besides I really like kolide - thanks!
Hi @Konstantin! We've built this one out already! You can find it here: https://k2.kolide.com/x/checks/75659. Take a look and let me know if that's what you were hoping to end up with 🙂 I'm glad to hear you're liking Kolide so far! It sounds to me like you've already found our Check Creator. Is that true? This tool is the best place to play around with building your own Checks either from scratch, or by using the provided templates.
Hi Emily, thanks for your answer. The check for google chrome exists, but it does not seem to work for us. On a ubuntu laptop the check passes and does not mention the old version 106.xx. SO I started to check out something on my own.
Oh interesting! Our Support team would be happy to look into why the Check isn't processing correctly for that device. Would you send over the details to support@kolide.com and we'll investigate? The Check should work correctly across all three OS types!
ok, I get back to you with details as soon I am on my test ubuntu machine.
Only mac is triggered so far, and windows I did not test.