What's the easiest way to setup Linux auditing (si...
# fleet
What's the easiest way to setup Linux auditing (similar to
osqueryi --nodisable_audit --nodisable_events --audit_allow_config=true --audit_persist=true --audit_allow_sockets
etc etc) without having osqueryctl installed? We have the fleetctl agent with the osquery package (without Fleet Desktop) installed on Linux servers, Amazon Linux 2.
Now that you have the Fleet agent package deployed, you can manage those flags with https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/configuration-files#code-command-line-flags-code-option.
@zwass thank you... is that server (fleet) or client (fleetctl/osquery) side?
just trying to figure out where this
file goes... don't see that in the docs you linked, apologies if that should be obvious
That's configured on the server and then agents check in and retrieve it. You can configure it in the UI (settings page) or via
fleetctl apply
$ fleetctl apply -f test.yml --dry-run Warning: Version mismatch. Client Version: 4.24.1 Server Version: 4.20.0 Error: unknown kind "" Any suggestions for this error? I can share the yml
fleetctl get config
first to get your current config, then edit that with the options you want to add.
I was using a config derived from what was in the agent options panel in the UI but I will do ask you say and see how it goes
the server config is shared with the agent config?
That's app configuration -- all the stuff you see in the settings UI
I figured out that everything in the agent config page is what would be in the yaml under the agent_config section of yaml
Yes that's right
might have been a recent update... just updated the server and it let me save whatever before but this time it validated it
Yes we added validation recently
are there default paths for these configs or do they just go into mysql?
Fleet will store them in MySQL
first time setting all of this up and it's been ... an experience
even having read through the docs as much as I could to understand
It's a lot -- we're always trying to make it easier but there's still a long way to go.
I'd be happy to provide constructive feedback, also working with a software startup
a table of the differences between native osquery and the orbit version would be fantastic, for starters. Features, how to configure, config paths, services installed
if a config goes into the db, perhaps how to use the CLI to configure it and an equivalent UI option? So many docs here which is why we went w/Fleet, especially API, still getting tripped up a lot
cc @Noah Talerman @Mo Zhu (our product team)