Hi. I am using the version <v4.0.0.0> release. R...
# eclecticiq-polylogyx-extension
Hi. I am using the version v4.0.0.0 release. Regarding win_registry_events - I have been trying to get registry change detection to work. I want to monitor some additional keys. I have tried test cases monitoring/creating/deleting registry keys in areas where is is supposed to monitor and I never see the changes logged as win_registry_events. I must be missing something. I am running Windows 10 Pro, US-EN, 22H2, 19045.2486. For the sake of simplicity, I want to monitor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard LayoutHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout. I have followed the pattern but it does not show a win_registry_events in the log.
@Keith Bozek thanks for writing to us. Assuming that you have already put in place registry event filters as specified in osquery.conf file here: https://github.com/eclecticiq/osq-ext-bin/blob/v4.0.0.0/osquery.conf, refer this json section: "plgx_event_filters" -> "win_registry_events" -> "target_name" -> "include" -> "values" Add a filter string as below, then you should see desired registry event.
"\\REGISTRY\\USER\\*\\Keyboard Layout\\*"
Sample snippet below how the filter will look in the filters json:
Thank you for such a quick response. I did a reset of my osquery clearing the database and logs. I replaced the original osqurey.conf file and used the one from the link with the one entry above(see attached). I then tried to create a new registry value. I ahve attached the simple scripts and the reg key export just from that are of the hive. I expected to see a win_registry_events entry in the osqueryd.results.log.
Do I have to create a scheduled query against the win_registry_events table to harvest?
I assumed replacing my config with https://github.com/eclecticiq/osq-ext-bin/blob/v4.0.0.0/osquery.conf, and then adding the one line as above, I would see an entry. I've included procmon snapshot of running the vbs script in the exact same context. You can see the ring3 and ring0 calls. I was looking for evidence in the log that would correlate the call. I then went to my OSquery log and extracted the same wscript calls but no registry output. I have attached that log. This is a VmWare workstation professional 17 VM. It is a plain as it gets.
Thanks again for your help. I am at a loss at the moment.
yes, you will need to add a scheduled query on win_registry_events. default conf published does not have it on win_registry_events.
Thanks. I will give that a try.
Did that work @Keith Bozek?
I was modifying my configuration file and I messed it up. I was unable to get to it yesterday so I am now fixing it. I will most certainly update you 🙂 . I am so very close. I was womdering what a good query interval is for registry events?
A “good” query interval is subjective and is dependent on use case.