Hi everyone. Is this possible to use some sort of ...
# general
Hi everyone. Is this possible to use some sort of library (preferably Go based) to connect to socket and read results? I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to get rid of additional steps required to build and configure plugin.
Thanks, but I'm trying to figure out if there's such possibility from Osquery API side.
Yes, the osquery API supports that, as does the go sdk
@seph: So if I'll connect to a socket, I'll be able to read result strings ?
Sorta — I don’t think you can query the results of a scheduled query. That’s the domain of logging plugins. But you can run ad hoc queries and get responses over the socket. See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/osquery/osquery-go?#ExtensionManagerClient
Understood, unfortunately I need scheduled queries results
I don’t think the socket helps you.
Use a logging plugin, Write to the filesystem and read it. Or write to some other kind of data store
Yeah, looks like I'll have to stay with plugin, plugin I wrote, until proper DNSevents table appear
Logger plugin I wrote works, but I was worried that at some point compatibility will break so I've started to think about alternatives
But thanks for help.
I hope some time BPFbased DNSevents table for linux will be added, and I'll just replace all my stuff with something out of the box
I don’t think osquery has plans on changing anything in the logging plugin stuff. At least not at the socket level.
it's not the socket or logging I need the most, I'm tracking DNS events through my stuff and using osquery to match it against process and socket events
Once\if DNSevents table will be added 90% of what I'm using now will not be needed
anyway thanks again
And I’m not sure osquery supports events through plugins, otherwise I’d suggest that direction. 😐
Although I'm calling it events. I just mean DNS Questions\Answers monitoring
Are there any plans regarding that ?
I’d end up writing that as a custom table in a plugin, and keeping all the correlation logic in osquery. But I have some bias, so if what you have works it may not be worth change.
There’s been discussion of how to add dns events using the bpf framework. I don’t remember where we landed
Alessandro had some PoC back in like 2019 or 2020, and that's all
Yes. Alessandro has been generally doing a lot of BPF work. The underlying libraries are totally different now. But more expandable.
We’ve talked about whether we should allow site configurable BPF driven tables. Or publish a dns events one.
Either of these would be great