Hi Fleet Team, I'm looking to validate it a host/e...
# fleet
Hi Fleet Team, I'm looking to validate it a host/end-point is passing a particular policy through API IS there such a way to do this, currently I can list out the policies and get a count of hosts passing but I am not seeing how to check a given host, I'm hoping I missed something ?
I suspect this may be possible by simply running queries in place of seeking to returned the last run policy state 🤔
You can fetch the host details. That includes policy pass/fail. https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/rest-api#get-host
Thanks I will check that out 👍
You can also list hosts based on a particular policy using the
and `policy_response`: https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/rest-api#list-hosts It's pretty cool how versatile the API is 🙂 Just let me know if that doesn't do the trick and we can dig in.