quick question, is there a way to specify a passwo...
# fleet
quick question, is there a way to specify a password (ideally a FLEET_SERVER var) to unlock a tls private key for the fleet server? couldnt see anything in the docs about it
Hi @chrismsnz. The short answer here is "no". I'm working on getting you a more detailed answer!
thanks, i looked in the config and tls setup in the source and doesn't look like its a thing. I think i can work around it so don't expend too much effort 🙂
Yeah, would advise just decrypting the key with openssl in your container or wherever the Fleet server is running before starting the server.
thanks, yeah i was hoping to keep the dockerfile stock but looks like i'll have to customise it
Or depending on your org policies, maybe you can decrypt the key and put it into your secret store so that it doesn't need a password?
yeah only handles strings (which is where i was gonna keep the decrypt key), no worries mate thanks for your help
Wait but you need to provide the cert as a PEM which is a string
i need to provide the cert to fleet as a file, but the secret system im using sets env vars
so i just need a custom echo $CERT > /tmp/crt.pem or whatever and configure fleet to look at it but just requires customising the docker
or in place openssl decrypt or w/e
Can you make your command something like
echo $CERT > /tmp/crt.pem && fleet serve ...
Not that it's really a big deal to build a custom container, but would be convenient to not need it.
yeah i can manage the command outside the container so might just do that
thanks mate