```{ "options": { "disable_logging": "false", ...
# general
Copy code
  "options": {
  "disable_logging": "false",
  "disable_events": "false"


  "schedule": {
    "file_events": {
      "query": "SELECT * FROM file_events;",
      "interval": 10
  "yara": {
    "signatures": {
      "sig_group_1": [ "/osquery/osquery.yar" ]
    "file_paths": {
      "www": [ "sig_group_1" ]

  "file_paths": {
    "www": [
Can you run
when you run osquery and see if you have any Yara compile errors ? Also ensure that the file listener is setup on startup
Also make sure that you have file events enable as per the docs https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/stable/deployment/file-integrity-monitoring/
Thanks for the response @Keith Swagler I do not have any compile errors
Copy code
I0302 09:23:02.746310 1739991 yara_utils.cpp:426] Compiling YARA signature group: sig_group_1
I0302 09:23:02.884631 1739991 eventfactory.cpp:156] Event publisher not enabled: BPFEventPublisher: Publisher disabled via configuration
and I do get FIM events as long as I am not enabling the yara section above
I also get a confirmation for the event listening
Copy code
I0302 09:23:02.940120 1739991 file_events.cpp:87] Added file event listener to: /var/www/**
I0302 09:23:03.038489 1739991 yara_events.cpp:119] Added YARA listener to: /var/www/**
I do get several things mentioned as not being active, could that be an issue? Also osquery tells me I am not providing the flagsfile which I actually do
Copy code
sudo osqueryd --verbose --flagfile=/etc/osquery/osquery.flags
I0302 10:02:39.118822 1747822 init.cpp:399] osquery initialized [version=5.7.0]
I0302 10:02:39.119309 1747822 extensions.cpp:453] Could not autoload extensions: Cannot open file for reading: /etc/osquery/extensions.load
I0302 10:02:39.119508 1747822 dispatcher.cpp:78] Adding new service: WatcherRunner (0x55e9051ac2b8) to thread: 140318048220928 (0x55e9051a9a80) in process 1747822
I0302 10:02:39.122210 1747823 watcher.cpp:674] osqueryd watcher (1747822) executing worker (1747824)
I0302 10:02:39.138759 1747824 init.cpp:396] osquery worker initialized [watcher=1747822]
I0302 10:02:39.139111 1747824 dispatcher.cpp:78] Adding new service: WatcherWatcherRunner (0x55d8132e52b8) to thread: 140406222186240 (0x55d8132e49d0) in process 1747824
I0302 10:02:39.139307 1747824 rocksdb.cpp:132] Opening RocksDB handle: /var/osquery/osquery.db
I0302 10:02:40.213364 1747824 dispatcher.cpp:78] Adding new service: ExtensionWatcher (0x55d813430448) to thread: 140405609842432 (0x55d813390050) in process 1747824
I0302 10:02:40.213515 1747824 dispatcher.cpp:78] Adding new service: ExtensionRunnerCore (0x55d813428688) to thread: 140405618235136 (0x55d8132f4c70) in process 1747824
I0302 10:02:40.213582 1747962 interface.cpp:299] Extension manager service starting: /var/osquery/osquery.em
I0302 10:02:40.213652 1747824 auto_constructed_tables.cpp:99] Removing stale ATC entries
W0302 10:02:40.214896 1747824 options.cpp:106] The CLI only flag --config_plugin set via config file will be ignored, please use a flagfile or pass it to the process at startup
W0302 10:02:40.214990 1747824 options.cpp:106] The CLI only flag --logger_plugin set via config file will be ignored, please use a flagfile or pass it to the process at startup
I0302 10:02:40.215171 1747824 yara_utils.cpp:426] Compiling YARA signature group: sig_group_1
I0302 10:02:40.224817 1747824 eventfactory.cpp:156] Event publisher not enabled: BPFEventPublisher: Publisher disabled via configuration
I0302 10:02:40.225167 1747824 eventfactory.cpp:156] Event publisher not enabled: syslog: Publisher disabled via configuration
I0302 10:02:40.225662 1747824 events.cpp:70] Skipping subscriber: apparmor_events: Subscriber disabled via configuration
I0302 10:02:40.227416 1747824 eventsubscriberplugin.cpp:492] Found 10 events for subscriber inotify.file_events
I0302 10:02:40.227855 1747824 events.cpp:70] Skipping subscriber: process_file_events: Subscriber disabled via configuration
I0302 10:02:40.228274 1747824 events.cpp:70] Skipping subscriber: seccomp_events: Seccomp subscriber disabled via configuration
I0302 10:02:40.228595 1747824 events.cpp:70] Skipping subscriber: selinux_events: Subscriber disabled via configuration
I0302 10:02:40.228765 1747824 events.cpp:70] Skipping subscriber: socket_events: Subscriber disabled via configuration
I0302 10:02:40.307024 1747824 file_events.cpp:87] Added file event listener to: /var/www/*
I0302 10:02:40.307402 1747824 yara_events.cpp:119] Added YARA listener to: /var/www/*
okay great, can do 2 things, run
select * from osquery_events
and make sure the yara_events publisher is active and has events
and also create a test file and see if you can query it like
select * from yara where path="file" and sig_group=sig_group_1
select * from yara where path="file" and sigfile="/osquery/osquery.yar"
awesome thank you!
select * from osquery_events
I do see is active but no events
select * from yara where path="file" and sig_group=sig_group_1
I get
Copy code
osquery> select * from yara where path LIKE '/var/www/%' and sig_group=sig_group_1;                                                                            │
Error: no such column: sig_group_1
I can however run
Copy code
select * from yara where path="file" and sigfile="/osquery/osquery.yar"
and get results
OK, and using the osqueryi session can you modify the files and see if they show up in file_events and yara_events ?
you mean for FIM ?
if I modify a file?
once I activate the yara section, no more FIM events appear
oh, is that expected ?
It is not, but I suspect there may be an issue between the config you are using for osqueryd and the one for osqueryi
this will check that
oh, interesting
thank you for checking
will only be able to follow up tomorrow though, so sorry for any late response and appreciate the help!
okay let me know if that works 👍
here are the config files in
Copy code
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   26 Mar  1 08:08 osquery.flags.default -> /etc/osquery/osquery.flags
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   53 Mar  2 10:01 osquery.yar
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   75 Mar  2 10:08 osquery.flags
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  838 Mar  3 15:57 osquery.conf
drwxr-xr-x 155 root root  12K Mar  9 06:52 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4.0K Mar  9 08:03 .
thats all I actually have
would there be another place where I should look ?
followed via strace that seems also to be where osqueryi is looking
Copy code
stat("/etc/osquery/osquery.conf.d/", 0x7ffe60b6b2f0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/osquery/osquery.conf.d", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_CLOEXEC|O_DIRECTORY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat("/etc/osquery/osquery.conf", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=838, ...}) = 0
okay can you run
select * from osquery_flags