Hey yall. Is there a way to set an limit to the nu...
# fleet
Hey yall. Is there a way to set an limit to the number of hosts that can connect to fleetdm?
Interesting question... Are you looking to limit the number of hosts that can enroll? The number of hosts that can be online at one time? Can you tell us more about your scenario and motivations?
We have staging environment setup using the the kubernetes and fleetdm charts. I wan to our IT teams who are interested to learn by creating qurieries/admining etc. However, Just wanted see if there was a way to limit the amount of hosts that can be added.
Not directly. You could however change the enroll secret once you've got the number of hosts you want -- then nothing new can enroll unless it has the enroll secret.
I am guessing maintainers cam’t really grab enrollment keys. Maybe thats method I can use
IIRC maintainers can, but observers cannot.
Thanks alot. ill probably just take the route. and then let the team know to only enroll test machines