Hello, is there something special that needs to be...
# core
Hello, is there something special that needs to be done in order for the extension on windows to run not just from within osqueryi.exe but also when called externally? When I run select from within osqueryi.exe, data is returned properly. When I run it from outside, it fails every single time: C:\Program Files\osquery>osqueryi.exe "SELECT * from rsop_policysetting;" Error: Extension socket not available: \\.\pipe\shell.em2243.17173
Is osquery starting the extension, or are you starting it outside osquery and connecting?
OSquery starts the extension. It has extensions.load file with full path to the extension.
Do I have to start osqueryi with --nodisable_extensions unlike when starting it for interactive use, where i just enter name of osqueryi.exe ?